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The Vision

Current emphasis



The Philosophies

What's going on!





To date and currently internally funded, intent of adding investors; with private equity funding, VC and plans of exit or IPO are in the periphery of vision of our core-investors.


Professionally managed, the product itself is a Senior Management Tool and from this necessity ALL our Consultants and Employees are well-versed and experienced in all forms of Management; HR; Finance; Production; Manufacturing; Delivery; Logistics; Project Management; Services etc.


A well-established practice extending to over 70 spread across cities; countries and continents. These are all top-notch Functional / Domain Experts in their fields. (Please ask for particulars if relevant to the Request).


A core-team functioning as a Corporate Entity to keep Development in pace with Changes in the marketplace; Installation & Commissioning to meet Emerging Customers Demands; Maintain and Upgrade existing Customer Deployments; Service and Support all our Partnerships; Collaborations and Associates.

Associations & Partnerships

With local presence firms such as MeritTrac (Bangalore - India); Aujix (Singapore); Technites (Ipswich, UK); Orbit (Sydney, Australia); DG Consulting, (Chicago, USA); we are constantly growing our network Sales; Service and Support.


While we enjoy our competition with big and small players; in the New Economy Marketplace; you (and certainly we) don't know who is our friend or who is a foe. Our relationships overlap everywhere; Microsoft (Windows, dot-net, IIS, MS-SQL, MS Office, IE6); Oracle (SQL); IBM (WebSphere, Lotus Notes, DB2); Sun (iPlanet, Solaris, Java); Open Source (Linux, PHP, mySQL, Apache); SAP; PeopleSoft; Siebel; etc.

Outsourced and Managed Services

All operational components are out-sourced. These include; Development; Maintenance; Sales and Support

Intelligent Leadership

All this is possible only if there is a 'Quality and Values' aligned 'Intelligent Leader' with our stated vision to manage this complexity of Business Purpose and Product Promise.

With an illustrious academic career, Casper Abraham has worked his way up from the ground, leading from the front in most things that he has undertaken. With 20+ years experience, and at the quintessential age of 47, he has the 'Intellectual Fire power' and 'Emotional Balance' to take on several of the most arduous of business assignments.